We have received reports that some calls from Telstra mobiles and landlines made to 1300 and 1800 are failing.  If you need to call us please phone 03 9018 9254 instead.


Proper use of the 'My Documents' folder

A discussion that comes up quite often with our customers is the proper use of the ‘My Documents’ folder, or in later versions of Windows abbreviated to ‘Documents’.  There ar... [read more]

Time is running out - Should you upgrade to Windows 10 before it's too late?

There are only about six weeks left before Windows 10 upgrades are no longer ‘free’, July 29th is d-day for Windows 10 upgrades. I emphasised the word ‘free’ there because it&#... [read more]

Why fixed price I.T. services are a game changer

How much should you be paying for professional I.T. services? One of the most common complaints outsourced I.T. service providers receive is “your service is just too dear”.  People often... [read more]

Why you should never let your web designer manage your emails (and why I.T. guys suck at web design)

All too often I hear people say “I’ve launched my new website but now my emails are broken!”, the reasons for the failures vary quite a bit but the root cause is always the same R... [read more]

The three rules of backup

People often ask me if their backup systems are adequate and I always respond the same way. If you follow these three rules your data will be safe- 1. You must backup ALL of your data 2. You must back... [read more]

Australia Wide I.T. achieves Microsoft Silver Partner status

We are very pleased to announce that we have recently been awarded Silver Partner status by Microsoft.  This partnership reflects our commitment to providing our customers with the best possible solu... [read more]

What is the Dark Web and why should you care anyway?

This excellent article was published on pcadvisor.co.uk and is well worth the read-   What is the Dark Web? The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that are pu... [read more]

2016 is going to see a sharp increase in the number Ransomware attacks - what are you going to do to protect yourself?

2016 is shaping up to be a big year for organised e-crime.  Last year we saw a steady increase in the number of Ransomware attacks and there is no sign of them slowing down. Most of the attacks we ha... [read more]

A warning about Telstra DOT (Digital Office Technology)

In the past couple of years a number of our customers have had problems with their Telstra DOT systems (Digital Office Technology) and come to us for help. Telstra DOT is a service intended for small ... [read more]

DIY upgrades

Should I do the Windows 10 upgrade myself? Over the past couple of weeks we have upgraded around 200 computers from Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10. The majority of those went without any significant pro... [read more]

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Our Services

Managed IT Support

Our fixed price Managed IT Support Programs will increase your businesses competitiveness and efficiency with our I.T. Professionals on call for you 24/7.

Same Day On-Site Support

Class leading response times ensure your that when things do go wrong we’ll be there in a hurry so you can get on with doing what your business does best.

Security and Data Protection

Custom designed security and data backup systems protect your business from emerging threats and gives you peace of mind.

Hardware and Software

We supply, install and maintain hardware and software from all major vendors including Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, IBM, Intel and Dell all with our 30 day reconfiguration guarantee.
