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Time is running out – Should you upgrade to Windows 10 before it’s too late?

There are only about six weeks left before Windows 10 upgrades are no longer ‘free’, July 29th is d-day for Windows 10 upgrades.

I emphasised the word ‘free’ there because it’s not really free is it?  It’s true that Microsoft are giving away Windows 10 licenses completely free of charge and there certainly is no big conspiracy to make people pay a subscription fee or anything like that BUT there is a cost.  The costs come in the form of time, both your time and occasionally the time of an IT professional.

It has been our experience over the past few months that around 10 to 15% of automated Windows 10 upgrades fail in some way, usually resulting in the computer being unusable.  Most of the failures seem to be due to either incompatible drivers or old BIOS firmware and they are generally pretty easy problems to fix but unless you know how to fix these things yourself be prepared to pay an IT professional to get it fixed.

If you are going to attempt the upgrade yourself, do yourself a favor and do some preparation work first: make sure all your drivers are up to date, make sure you have the latest BIOS firmware installed, uninstall any anti-virus software and make a backup of your data before you begin.  If you do these things your upgrade is more likely to work without problems, of course don’t forget to re-install your anti-virus software.

If you’d rather have a professional do the upgrade for you give us a call on 1800 350 509.

It’s not all doom and gloom though, Windows 10 is an excellent Operating System which combines the best aspects of the last couple of generations of Microsoft Windows in to an efficient and well thought out Operating System.  The fact that it is free makes this one a ‘no-brainer’ – if you haven’t already upgraded to Windows 10, hurry up and do it now!


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