We have received reports that some calls from Telstra mobiles and landlines made to 1300 and 1800 are failing.  If you need to call us please phone 03 9018 9254 instead.

A warning about Telstra DOT (Digital Office Technology)

In the past couple of years a number of our customers have had problems with their Telstra DOT systems (Digital Office Technology) and come to us for help.

Telstra DOT is a service intended for small businesses that bundles internet and office phones in to one package, internet access is delivered via traditional ADSL and the phones are Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) using the same ADSL service and therein lies the problem.  The service is sold by Telstra salespeople as a money saving service but with little regard to whether or not it will work for this particular customer.

There is nothing wrong with the concept, in theory it should work just fine, in theory Telstra DOT should be able to deliver not only cost savings but also a high quality phone system for not a lot of money.  Unfortunately the reality is that most suburban businesses are too far away from their local telephone exchange to get very high speed internet via an ADSL link.

I’ve lost count of the number of customers who have called to tell us that Telstra have put in a new phone system and now their Internet is slow and their phone calls frequently drop out,  HELP!  Invariably when we look at the systems we find that the customer’s ADSL link is running at under 15 Mb/s downstream and in some cases they simply have too many telephones on the service.

The only Tesltra DOT systems we have seen that the customer is actually happy with are those lucky enough to be very close to their phone exchange and are achieving ADSL connection speeds in excess of 20Mb/s, given that only 7% of Australia’s internet connections run faster than 15Mb/s the odds are not in your favor of having a good experience with Telstra DOT.

Be warned: Telstra DOT is a viable solution for only a very limited number of Australian businesses, if you are considering using this service talk to your I.T. service provider first.

Our Services

Managed IT Support

Our fixed price Managed IT Support Programs will increase your businesses competitiveness and efficiency with our I.T. Professionals on call for you 24/7.

Same Day On-Site Support

Class leading response times ensure your that when things do go wrong we’ll be there in a hurry so you can get on with doing what your business does best.

Security and Data Protection

Custom designed security and data backup systems protect your business from emerging threats and gives you peace of mind.

Hardware and Software

We supply, install and maintain hardware and software from all major vendors including Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, IBM, Intel and Dell all with our 30 day reconfiguration guarantee.
