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How do you protect your digital intellectual property?

In 2015 Adelaide firm Codan discovered that the design plans for their world-class metal detectors had been stolen by Chinese hackers and cheap imitations were now being sold all around the world; and it cost Codan more than $30 million dollars in just one year.

The hack was made possible due to previously undiscovered malware installed on Codan’s CEO’s computer during a business trip to China and it’s likely that many more computers all around the world are infected with yet-to-be-identified malware with the sole purpose of stealing YOUR intellectual property.

Ask yourself this:  What digital intellectual property does my company have that could be valuable to someone else?

If your business is manufacturing your I.P. would of course include your design files, but for other businesses your customer list and THEIR details may be the target of a future attack.  And don’t think you’re safe just because your business is too small to be the victim of a targeted attack, data collecting malware is often indiscriminate, they will steal your data then sell it to the highest bidder.  Maybe they’ll use it to copy your product as in the case of Codan or maybe they’ll just try old fashioned extortion and demand payment for the return of your data.

If your business has digital Intellectual Property then you are at risk, what are you doing to protect yourself?

Naturally we wouldn’t write a blog post like this without also offering a solution; we have developed extensive digital protection systems to give our customers a fighting chance to repel the attackers.  If you haven’t reviewed your digital security systems in the last 12 months the time to do it is now.

source: http://www.smh.com.au/business/codan-fights-back-after-chinese-hackers-stole-metal-detector-designs-20150624-ghx36t.html

Our Services

Managed IT Support

Our fixed price Managed IT Support Programs will increase your businesses competitiveness and efficiency with our I.T. Professionals on call for you 24/7.

Same Day On-Site Support

Class leading response times ensure your that when things do go wrong we’ll be there in a hurry so you can get on with doing what your business does best.

Security and Data Protection

Custom designed security and data backup systems protect your business from emerging threats and gives you peace of mind.

Hardware and Software

We supply, install and maintain hardware and software from all major vendors including Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, IBM, Intel and Dell all with our 30 day reconfiguration guarantee.
